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| about

| about 

Naomi is a -new to the game- street photographer primarily shooting on film.  Since very kindly being gifted a Canon ae-1 from a friend of her Grandma’s  (full story is a good one) along with having always been fascinated by photography, moving image and story-telling, she started actioning her interests. 

Inspired by the stories in her Grandad’s travel photo archives, she started documenting stills from the streets on her solo travels, since 2017. Naomi choses to shoot film as she finds it forces her to more carefully consider timing, composition and subjects within each frame. The click of the shutter and the winding of the roll allow her to feel/experience the process more fully, and enjoy the process from first click through to development and print.

Her work seeks to capture moments from the street, freezing a scenario and suggesting part of a story. Primary interests lie in capturing cultures, new destinations and public moments. Future aspirations lie in taking more thoughout photo-stories with accompanying narratives, with a more documentary approach to further delve into stories from around the world.

site made by naomi henderson

All rights reserved 2019

site made by naomi henderson

All rights reserved 2019